Gift Wrap

Regular price $10.00
Have your Lotus Wrap stylishly wrapped with your loved one and the environment in mind!
We use biodegradable, natural wrapping paper made from 40% post-consumer recycled content and trim it with 100% jute & sisal decorative twine then top it off with a hand written gift tag adorned with natural, handmade trinkets.
Wrapping you will definitely want to take credit for!
Please remember to note who the gift is 'To' and 'From' in the "Special instructions for seller" section of your Shopping Cart.
Multiple gifts for the same address? No problem. Simply purchase the number of 'Gift Wrap' for the number of Lotus Wraps you would like wrapped separately and leave detailed instructions in the "special instructions for seller" section of the Shopping Cart.
Multiple gifts for different shipping addresses? In this case, please purchase items separately as the various addresses will have to be entered individually.